Monday, September 10, 2007



Hope for the future, for wholeness complete.
Hope in our Father to heal the deep.

To trust in our Lord with all not in part,
With surety of truth and pureness of heart.

For into our dark our Father will send,
His Spirit, a counselor, redeemer and friend.

We’re never alone, His truth is so real.
It’s not based on our life or how we may feel.

Full life He has promised, written words from the past.
They dwell in our hearts, His true light they do cast.

When all is reveled our transgressions we see.
Confession, forgiveness, acceptance, we’re free.

Wholeness, full life, our future is clear.
We were never alone our Savior was here.

He has healed my heart and restored my soul.
The pain in not gone but now I am whole.


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