Friday, October 5, 2007

6 months to salvation

To tell you the truth, on the surface I did not expect God to answer my prayer the way he did. . Wait check that. I did not expect Tammy and Anthony to hear wisdom and wait on getting married. They are not getting married on the Oct. 13. They are looking more at May 3, 2008.

So am I off the “hook”? I don’t have to walk her down the isle or give her away, right now! There are still many difficult decisions about their relationship and living arrangement that have to be talked about. But now I have six months to show Anthony the never-ending love, grace and mercy of Christ. I have to look for every occasion to share Christ and provide an opportunity for him to make a decision.

My prayers have changed from “don’t let her get married”, to “if you brought this young man into our lives so that we can be used to bring him to salvation and a right relationship with Christ, then use us”.

So what happens if he does not find and accept Christ by May 3? I can’t answer that. I’m choosing to live in today.

1 comment:

anita said...

We never know what tomorrow might bring. Even more, we never know what God may have in store and how he may use us. For now, I'm glad they're waiting awhile and taking their time!