Monday, August 13, 2007

Discipline vs. Punishment

I’m learning to separate the words discipline and punishment. And I am coming to understand more and more how God disciplines me and also what he allows.
To me discipline is often thought of in very negative concept. I cannot hear the word "discipline" without hearing something negative, so I have learned to use the words "training" or "correction. I know, however, that discipline, in the true sense of the word is positive, encouraging, and even proof of love (…because the Lord disciplines those He loves - Hebrews 12:6).
The root word of discipline is disciple (= a student, a learner). When God disciplines us, He is making disciples of us. When we discipline our children, we are making disciples. Discipline is defined as training that develops self-control.
In most cases in the Bible there is a difference in the meaning of the words discipline and punishment. As parents we are instructed to discipline our children, but they are not often instructed to punish their children (and when we are, such as in Hebrews 12, what is being described is actually discipline rather than punishment). Likewise, as a Christian, then God disciplines us for our own good. He does not punish us
What's the difference? As stated earlier, the root word of discipline is disciple and means learner. The definition of discipline in both the Old Testament and New Testament included instruction and training, as well as correcting. Discipline is to be motivated by love and concern, according to Hebrews 12. In contrast, punishment can imply getting even, retaliation, vengeance, and exacting a penalty.
After a lot of “examination” and some confession, I know that losing part of my finger was not discipline from God. However, God allowed it to happen, for what purpose, maturity, reliance, witness, empathy or maybe all of the above, that I d’not know. I do know this, God is not finished with me yet. Stay tuned, my story has just begun.

Shalom, Dave

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha! I found you, mr new blogger! Arent site meters are awesome. hehehe.

want the word out? I can post a blurp about your blog on mine.

Good stuff, btw.